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Hey! I'm Sofia! At Michigan, I study political science with anticipated minors in writing and international studies. Driven by the intersection of journalism and global affairs, I plan to study international law post-grad. I'm never not learning from other people. 


Outside of my classes I write for a few student orgs, but I also spend a lot of time reading (all genres), listening to music (also all genres, but especially grunge and hip-hop) and watching movies (would link my Letterboxd but wix doesn't have an icon for it). I also love to try new restaurants and coffee shops, ski, and travel, and I'm the number one advocate for mixing gold and silver jewelry.


I've been writing for a while, but I've never really taken it seriously. I've been meaning to write more casually & I've thought about creating a portfolio, so I'm excited to be a part of a program that forces me to do those!


Feel free to engage w/ me on social media or send me a message below!!


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umich fans since day 1

Sofia Sarafa

University of Michigan


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